Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Possibility 可能性

In 1979, eight male volunteers in their eighties packed suitcases, got on a bus and traveled back to 1959 at least psychologically. Transported to a retreat in new Hampshire USA, they lived in accommodation that had been designed to replicate living conditions in 1959 to the smallest detail.

1979年,八個80歲的男性受試者打包他們的行李,上了公共汽車,並回到1959 - 至少在心理上。他們被送到美國的新罕布什爾州的一個休養所,住在宿舍裡頭並複製1959年同樣的生活條件。

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Psychological Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering.

If you are feeling a little stressed and disorganized, maybe a good clear out will help. According to an article in Psychology Today a tidy, clutter free work area or home has several benefits for a person's psychological health, such as improved mood, decreased stress and creativity.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

A Change Of Luck 改運

Recently, a promising venture I was involved in failed. Knowing that it is not helpful to ruminate on past mistakes. I started to think about how to shake the unlucky feeling that had a grip on me.


Sunday, 16 October 2016

It's Enough To Just Sit 坐著就好

How often to you feel everything is fine just the way it is?

In a distraction filled world, being able to focus, and focus on what is important can be difficult. Meditation is a way to train the mind to focus, and develop the ability to deal with things in a non-reactionary way.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Death in Paradise 天堂島疑雲

A clumsy, disorganized English detective and chic, no-nonsense French detective solving murder cases amid beautiful scenery makes Death in Paradise great Entertainment. 

Shot on the Caribbean Island of Marie-Galante, given the fictional name of Saint-Marie, Death in Paradise is a French and English collaboration.  The show is a fun mix of Agatha Christie styled whodunit, humor and stunning scenery.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

A Case Against The News 別看新聞

After reading “The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli, there was one chapter that really stayed with me. The chapter is called “Why You Shouldn’t Read the News.”

The author makes a strong case for cutting the news out of our lives, and explains how the habit of having to keep up with the headlines is a destructive one. The author stopped reading and listening to news, cancelled his newspaper subscriptions, got rid of his TV and radio and deleted news apps from his phone. This was not an easy habit to kick, but 3 years after doing so, he claims it has resulted in clear thoughts, more valuable insights, better decisions, and more time.

A Travel Writer Talks About Going Nowhere 那兒都不去

The French Philosophy Blaise Pascal said, “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone, and do nothing.”

How does someone become a person who is able to sit alone in a quiet room by themselves and be content to do so?

Listen to the speech. The speaker gives some sage advice.

法國哲學家Blaise Pascal說:“人一切的痛苦都來自於不能夠獨自坐在一個安靜的房間,什麼事都不做。”


