Sunday, 16 October 2016

It's Enough To Just Sit 坐著就好

How often to you feel everything is fine just the way it is?

In a distraction filled world, being able to focus, and focus on what is important can be difficult. Meditation is a way to train the mind to focus, and develop the ability to deal with things in a non-reactionary way.

Being someone who can get overwhelmed and lost in my thoughts, I have found meditation to be of great benefit. If you want to do a little research on the subject, there are a lot of scientific studies that show the benefits to the brain, plus a wide range of literature on its how it develops EQ.




Thich Nhat Hanh's 'How to Sit' is a book that helps me to take a step back from the noise and distraction; it is a book I always go back to -- the effectiveness of its teachings lie in the writer's ability to express things simply.

A Few Tidbits About Thich Nhat Hanh

He is a Vietnamese buddhist monk and peace activist.

He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Price by Dr Martin Luther King in 1967 for his peaceful opposition of the Vietnam War.

Christina Figueres, the Executive Secretary of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change who led the talks on the Paris Climate Agreement attributes Thich Nhat Hanh in helping her to develop the wisdom, compassion and strength needed to bring about the agreement.




“聯合國氣候變化綱要公約”的執行秘書Christina Figueres領導“巴黎氣候協議”談判,邀請一行禪師幫助她運用智慧,同情心和力量來達成協議。

The Book in a Nutshell

The kind of Sitting the book refers to is the practice of sitting relaxed with a calm and alert mind. Thich That Hanh instructs us that by using the breath as a point of focus, we can unite mind, body and breath.

The book teaches us it is not necessary to control the breath. The act of becoming aware of our breath brings us back to the present moment, and you will discover that the breath will naturally adjust itself and become deeper. The practice of sitting this way has a calming effect on mind and body.

Each chapter of the book is very short, but each chapter offers profound insight in how to meditate and the importance of doing so. It also shows how to use mindful mediation in everyday situations.


本書所提到的那種坐著是一種用放鬆的平靜和警覺心來做的練習。 一行禪師指示我們透過專注於自己的呼吸,我們可以將身心和呼吸三者合為一體。



What I Have Gotten From The Book.

I realized that meditation is not some esoteric or complicated thing to do. But it does take a commitment to practice. Sitting and following my breath sounds simple, but once I started practicing I fully understood the term monkey mind.

I can benefit from just meditating a short time each day. The key thing is it needs to be practiced consistently.

Training my awareness is important. It can improve the quality of life.

Meditation doesn't have to be practiced sitting down; mindful meditation can bring me into the present moment and raise awareness of the surrounding, so it can be practiced on the bus, waiting in line, doing the dishes etc...

The book has made meditation a core habit in my life. I meditate every day now.

Meditation is not about escaping my problems, but it is a way to learn to face them and deal with them in a rational and calm way.

Developing inner peace is a work in progress in which I need to accept and deal with all my emotions. Improving EQ is a step by step process.  -- I know I still have a long journey ahead of me.









Things You Might Like To Ponder

When was the last time you just sat and did nothing?

What would be the benefits of spending time just sitting and following your breath?

Why do you think companies like Apple, Google and Nike promote meditation for their employees?

Things That You Might Like To Try

Check out some scientific studies on the benefits of meditation.

Read 'How to Sit'.

Go to the library and check out other books on meditation or mindfulness.

Set aside some time to just sit and do nothing. No TV, cell phone...just sit. You might find it surprisingly therapeutic.

Do your own study into meditation, I am not an expert, just someone who is learning and wants to share.

Note: If you are considering joining a meditation class, make sure it is with a qualified teacher. Some religious cults and groups use meditation as a way to indoctrinate people.












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