A clumsy, disorganized English detective and chic, no-nonsense French detective solving murder cases amid beautiful scenery makes Death in Paradise great Entertainment.
Shot on the Caribbean Island of Marie-Galante, given the fictional name of Saint-Marie, Death in Paradise is a French and English collaboration. The show is a fun mix of Agatha Christie styled whodunit, humor and stunning scenery.
Series 5 of the show is currently being filmed and is due for release on the BBC in 2016. The show has seen some big character changes over the first 4 seasons. Series 1 and 2 had a different leading actor as the English detective. He was replaced by the bumbling, yet genius Humphrey Goodman (pictured above). The changes have all worked well and added to the appeal of the show. All 4 seasons of the show are well worth watching.
At the start of the show you know someone on the island is doomed; a series of twists and turns will follow, before the who and how is revealed. The format of the show is always the same, but that does not make it predictable or boring.
The show's format is a winner, because it entertains due to great characters and the balance of humor and mystery.
全劇在加勒比海島的一個小島上拍攝並特別取了一個虛構名字Saint Marie,天堂島疑雲是一部法國和英國合作的影集。此影集是個有趣的組合有阿加莎·克里斯蒂偵探小說的風格,幽默以及迷人的風景。
目前正在拍攝第五季並訂於2016年在英國BBC電視台播出。在播畢的前四季中,可以看到因為英國偵探也就是更換男主角後在性格上有著截然不同的變化。第二季結束後接替的英國偵探是一位比較笨手笨腳的Humpfrey Goodman(見上圖)。這些角色性格的轉變都運作良好,全部四季都非常值得關注和觀賞。
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