After reading “The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli, there was one chapter that really stayed with me. The chapter is called “Why You Shouldn’t Read the News.”
The author makes a strong case for cutting the news out of our lives, and explains how the habit of having to keep up with the headlines is a destructive one. The author stopped reading and listening to news, cancelled his newspaper subscriptions, got rid of his TV and radio and deleted news apps from his phone. This was not an easy habit to kick, but 3 years after doing so, he claims it has resulted in clear thoughts, more valuable insights, better decisions, and more time.
In his book, Rolf, gives 3 good reasons – there are more reasons- why we should purge the news from our lives.
1) Our brains react disproportionately to different types of information. Shocking, scandalous, constantly changing information stimulates us. Information that is more complex, abstract and unprocessed needs more effort from the brain and will sedate us.
The news takes full advantage of this by reporting sensational stories and “facts” that draw in our attention. This means the more complex, abstract, subtle and profound stories are filtered out; even though, they are much more beneficial and relevant to our lives. The news gives us a distorted view of the world.
2) The news is irrelevant. The author writes “In the past 12 months you have probably consumed about 10,000 new snippets – perhaps as many as thirty per day. But be very honest: name one of them, just one, that helped you make a better decision – for your life, your career or your business – compared with not having this piece of news.”
The writer also states “News organizations assert that their information gives you a competitive advantage. In reality, news consumption represents a competitive disadvantage.”
3) The news is a waste of time. He writes “An average human being squanders half a day each week on reading about current affairs. In global terms this is an immense loss productivity.”
If we cut the news out of our lives, what is a better source for understanding the world? Rolf’s advice is to read well researched articles and books. And that nothing beats books for understanding the world.
在拜讀了Rolf Dobelli所著的“思考的藝術”後,其中一章叫人感觸良多,這一章叫做“為什麼你不應該讀新聞”。
書中Rolf舉了三個很好的理由 – 其實還有更多的理由 - 為什麼我們該迴避新聞使它們從我們的日常生活中剔除。
2)新聞是無關緊要的。作者寫道:“在過去12個月,你可能已經看了大約一萬則新聞片段 - 也許每天多達三十則。請你老實說出隨便一則新聞是否有幫助你做出更好的決定 – 對你的生活、事業或生意 - 與沒有這條新聞相比”。
如果我們把新聞趕出我們的生活,什麼是了解世界的一個更好的來源? Rolf的建議是讀很好的研究文章和書籍,沒有比讀書更好的方法了。
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