Recently, a promising venture I was
involved in failed. Knowing that it is not helpful to ruminate on past
mistakes. I started to think about how to shake the unlucky feeling that had a grip
on me.
So, I googled 'How to change your luck'.
After reading through a few articles, I found a gem in the UK paper the
The article I found is called 'How to
improve your luck and win the lottery twice (possibly) ' -- sorry, it doesn't
actually tell you how to win the lottery twice, but it gives great information
about the mindset of a lucky person.
Written by Professor Richard Wiseman, the article reveals the findings of a large-scale investigation of 400 people who either
considered themselves lucky or unlucky, and explains how certain kinds of thinking and behavior bring about luck.
我找到的文章名稱叫“如何改善你的運氣,贏得彩票兩次(可能)” - 對不起,它實際上並沒有告訴你如何贏得彩票兩次,但它提供了很棒的訊息關於一個幸運人的心態。
我找到的文章名稱叫“如何改善你的運氣,贏得彩票兩次(可能)” - 對不起,它實際上並沒有告訴你如何贏得彩票兩次,但它提供了很棒的訊息關於一個幸運人的心態。
由Richard Wiseman教授撰寫的文章解釋了某些類型的思維和行為會帶來好運,根據對400位自認是幸運或是不幸的人所做的大規模調查的結果。
experiment in the investigation involved asking the volunteers to count the number
of photos in a newspaper. The one who counted the correct number first would
win 250 pounds. A few participants finished within seconds (ones who
considered themselves lucky) whilst most took considerably longer, The reason
why some of them finished so quickly? Well, on the second page they saw a large
調查中的一個實驗要求參與者計算報紙上的照片數量。最早算出正確數字的人將可贏得250英鎊的獎金。 幾個參與者在幾秒鐘內就完成了(是那些自稱幸運的人),而大多數參與者卻花費相當長的時間,為什麼有些人完成這麼快? 原因是在第二頁他們看到一個大廣告上面寫著“停止計數 - 在報紙上有43張照片。”
conclusion was that lucky people were able to spot the advertisement because
they are more open, relaxed and receptive to opportunities. Being stressed and
anxious makes people miss the obvious -- they fixate on the things that make
them comfortable. Below is the professor's summary of how lucky people
think and act.
結論是,幸運的人能夠發現廣告是因為他們比較開放,放鬆而且能夠接受機會。 而在壓力和焦慮的情況下使人錯過了這麼明顯的好機會。 以下是教授對幸運人的想法和行為所做出的總結。
1. They create and notice opportunities by building a strong
social network, developing a relaxed attitude to life, and being open to
1. 他們建立一個強大的社交網絡來創造和發現機會,培養對生活的輕鬆態度,並願意持開放態度來做改變。
2. They tend to often listen to their intuition and act quickly.
In contrast, unlucky people tend to overanalyse situations and are afraid to
3. They are confident that the future will be bright, and these
expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies because they help motivate lucky
people to try even when the odds are against them. Unlucky people are sure that
they will fail and so often give up before they have begun.
3. 他們相信,未來將是光明的,這些期望成為自我實現的預言幫助激勵幸運的人努力去嘗試,即使成功的可能性不大。不幸的人肯定他們一定會失敗,所以經常在他們還沒開始之前就已經放棄。
4. They are highly resilient, and keep going in the face of
failure and learn from past mistakes. Unlucky people get dragged down by the
smallest of problems and take responsibility for events outside of their
4. 幸運的人有很強的韌性,並且能面對失敗,從過去的錯誤中學習。不幸的人往往被最小的問題拖累,對他們無法掌控的事件自責。
The second part of the professor's study
involved getting the "unlucky people" to incorporate the above four
principles into their lives. The results of that study showed that after a few
months of using the principles two-thirds of the "unlucky people"
became happier, healthier and were doing better in their careers.
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