Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Psychological Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering.

If you are feeling a little stressed and disorganized, maybe a good clear out will help. According to an article in Psychology Today a tidy, clutter free work area or home has several benefits for a person's psychological health, such as improved mood, decreased stress and creativity.

Clutter bombards us with extraneous stimuli, creating distractions that can feel overwhelming. But a good spring clean and purge of all unnecessary things can clear the mind and help us to refocus.



There is also and association between physical activity and organization. A disorganized space makes us less active. On the flip side, clutter free surroundings promote physical activity and is also associated with healthy diet choices.

Aside from the benefits given in the Psychology Today article (link below), I have a 3 more reasons that might convince you it is worth to clear out the unnecessary. 



1) Less clutter, less dust. The more things you acquire the more places for dust to accumulate--getting rid of your stuff can benefit your health by reducing the amount of dust particles in your living space.

1)雜物少,灰塵少。你的東西越多就有越多地方積累灰塵 丟掉你的東西就會減少你的生活空間的灰塵數量這樣有益於你的身心健康。

2) A clutter free space gives you more time. The more organized the space, the less time you spend searching for misplaced items. Also, less clutter means less cleaning and more free time.

2) 沒有雜物的生活空間會帶給你更多的時間。生活空間越有組織,搜尋錯放物品的時間越少。此外,比較少的雜物意味著只需要花很少的時間清潔就能有更多的空閒時間。

3) Clearing out the clutter means you are left with the things that you truly value. And it can help evaluate what is really important. It can save you money, because once you have a sense of the benefits of living in a clutter free space, you might start asking yourself "Do I really need to buy this, or will it just end up as clutter?"


If distracted, overwhelmed or just stuck, getting rid of the superfluous might help you. A lot less, can be a lot better.

Finally, I would like to recommend a book by Japanese author Maria Konko The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This is a great book for anyone who wants to declutter and stay decluttered.



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