In 1979, eight male
volunteers in their eighties packed suitcases, got on a bus and traveled back
to 1959 — at least psychologically.
Transported to a retreat in new Hampshire USA, they lived in accommodation that
had been designed to replicate living conditions in 1959 to the smallest
在1979年,八個80歲的男性受試者打包他們的行李,上了公共汽車,並回到1959年 - 至少在心理上。他們被送到美國的新罕布什爾州的一個休養所,住在宿舍裡頭並複製1959年同樣的生活條件。
They were told not to
just reminisce about the time but to actually imagine that they were back in
1959. When they spoke of all the props in the house —such as the books, TV shows etc —they used the present tense. They spent a total of 5 days
reliving 1959.
他們被告知不要只是回憶過去,要想像他們確實回到了1959年。當他們談到房子裡的所有的東西 - 如書,電視節目等 - 他們使用現在式,想像他們回到年輕20歲的1959年重新生活了5天。
Prior to going to the
retreat, the volunteers physical condition was accessed on things like memory,
cognition, vision, hearing, flexibility and dexterity. After the retreat, there
were some pretty amazing changes in their physical condition: improved vision,
improved hearing, greater flexibility, improved memory, improved posture.
This experiment was
replicated by the BBC in 2010 (under the guidance of the original
researcher) with a similar impressive outcome.
Harvard professor
Ellen Langer was the force behind the experiment. She has been studying the
psychology of possibility for over 3 decades. Her research gets us to challenge
things that we have accepted as truth. She posits that we mindlessly react to
social and cultural cues, and by opening our minds to what's possible, instead
of presuming impossibility, we can experience better health at any age.
Another of Professor
Langer's experiments that showed the effect of the mind on the body was carried
out on chambermaids. She asked a group of chambermaids about their exercise
habits. The response she got was that they considered they did not exercise.
The chambermaids were
then divided into 2 groups. At the start of the experiment, they went through
different medical tests to measure different aspects of their health. One of
the groups was taught to shift their mindset about their work and to view it as
At the end of the
experiment, the chambermaids who were taught to view their work as exercise
experienced impressive improvements in their health. They lost weight, had a
decrease in body mass index, decrease in hip to waist ratio and decrease in
blood pressure.
For more details on
these experiments and professors Langer's research you can read her book Counter Clockwise.
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