Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Possibility 可能性

In 1979, eight male volunteers in their eighties packed suitcases, got on a bus and traveled back to 1959 at least psychologically. Transported to a retreat in new Hampshire USA, they lived in accommodation that had been designed to replicate living conditions in 1959 to the smallest detail.

1979年,八個80歲的男性受試者打包他們的行李,上了公共汽車,並回到1959 - 至少在心理上。他們被送到美國的新罕布什爾州的一個休養所,住在宿舍裡頭並複製1959年同樣的生活條件。

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Psychological Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering.

If you are feeling a little stressed and disorganized, maybe a good clear out will help. According to an article in Psychology Today a tidy, clutter free work area or home has several benefits for a person's psychological health, such as improved mood, decreased stress and creativity.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

A Change Of Luck 改運

Recently, a promising venture I was involved in failed. Knowing that it is not helpful to ruminate on past mistakes. I started to think about how to shake the unlucky feeling that had a grip on me.


Sunday, 16 October 2016

It's Enough To Just Sit 坐著就好

How often to you feel everything is fine just the way it is?

In a distraction filled world, being able to focus, and focus on what is important can be difficult. Meditation is a way to train the mind to focus, and develop the ability to deal with things in a non-reactionary way.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Death in Paradise 天堂島疑雲

A clumsy, disorganized English detective and chic, no-nonsense French detective solving murder cases amid beautiful scenery makes Death in Paradise great Entertainment. 

Shot on the Caribbean Island of Marie-Galante, given the fictional name of Saint-Marie, Death in Paradise is a French and English collaboration.  The show is a fun mix of Agatha Christie styled whodunit, humor and stunning scenery.