Thursday, 3 December 2015

A Case Against The News 別看新聞

After reading “The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli, there was one chapter that really stayed with me. The chapter is called “Why You Shouldn’t Read the News.”

The author makes a strong case for cutting the news out of our lives, and explains how the habit of having to keep up with the headlines is a destructive one. The author stopped reading and listening to news, cancelled his newspaper subscriptions, got rid of his TV and radio and deleted news apps from his phone. This was not an easy habit to kick, but 3 years after doing so, he claims it has resulted in clear thoughts, more valuable insights, better decisions, and more time.

A Travel Writer Talks About Going Nowhere 那兒都不去

The French Philosophy Blaise Pascal said, “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone, and do nothing.”

How does someone become a person who is able to sit alone in a quiet room by themselves and be content to do so?

Listen to the speech. The speaker gives some sage advice.

法國哲學家Blaise Pascal說:“人一切的痛苦都來自於不能夠獨自坐在一個安靜的房間,什麼事都不做。”

